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React - Blog System

Updated: Jun 6, 2021


This is a website mainly post and subscribe feed you prefer. You can create an account and subscribe to some authors. On the home page, you can find the author's article there. Also, you can post your own articles and write some comments on any article.


React, Redux, Saga, Hooks,Axios,HTML,CSS

How it works

You can see my video which gives a brief operation video or plays with it on my hosted website online ( If you want to find more, you can see my source code and run "npm start" in the VS Code terminal.


- you can sign in and sign up a user

- after logging in, you can post, edit and delete your articles

- you can subscribe to an author and show his articles on "Your Feed"

- you can click on a favorite article and this article will display on your personal page.

- you can change your setting like email and image

Source Code

You can see more details when you run my code. My Source code is on my Github -, simply run "npm start" in your VS code terminal.

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